Giovanni’s Frozen Pizza is great for a wide variety of purposes, and has carved out a market among businesses that do not have full-service kitchens. There are a lot of bars, taverns and other types of establishments that stay open late into the evening and have customers who would love to be able to snack on something delicious, but do not have full-service kitchens that allow them to put together a real food menu.
Think of how many of your competing bars in the area do at least offer some sort of bar snack menu, be it pizzas, wings, deep fried foods or other snacks. They might not have a full menu with burgers, sandwiches and salads, but offering something to their customers is a way they can boost loyalty and encourage people to come back over and over again.
By having frozen pizzas available, you at least give your customers some sort of food option that will keep them in your establishment and encourage them to come back in the future, as they know they can have drinks while also being able to satisfy their hunger.
Additional legal benefits
Of course, there are more benefits to offering frozen pizzas at your bar than just having the ability to better serve your customers and get more customer loyalty. There are also some legal and insurance considerations to keep in mind.
Bars and taverns always have some risk of getting involved with drunk driving lawsuits if they overserved a customer who then drove home and caused an accident. However, if you show a pattern of consistently asking your patrons if they would like something to eat, and if you prominently display food opportunities up until closing, there’s a chance it could help you if a lawsuit scenario arises.
Keep in mind that in 38 states, any bars or bartenders who serve liquor “to a person who is obviously intoxicated or close to it” can be “strictly liable to anyone injured by the drunken patron.” The organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving also takes an active stance against overserving, as well as any event that encourages people to drink to excess, including bar crawls and happy hours.
If you have a happy hour at your bar, then, it could be perceived as encouraging your patrons to drink more, which could be used in the court of law to demonstrate a pattern of encouraging patrons to drink to excess. Therefore, focusing your happy hour or last call specials on food or snacks (such as frozen pizzas) rather than drinks will instead show a pattern of encouraging customers to put their money elsewhere. It will help portray you as a responsible bar owner.
So, whether you’re interested in giving your customers a better overall experience to keep them coming back through the door or simply want to do whatever you can to avoid legal liability, there are plenty of reasons why Giovanni’s Frozen Pizza makes the perfect food offering for your bar or tavern. Get in touch with us to learn more about how you can bring our frozen pizzas into your establishment!