Pizza is a big hit. It’s hard to find anybody who doesn’t like pizza. From the option of having zero to any and all toppings, there’s usually something for everyone.
We often think of pizza as an easy dinner option, a staple when it comes to college campuses and something to have on hand at a birthday party. Another occasion that needs food is a blood drive, and pizza is a great option when it comes to planning how to keep those who participate satisfied. The following are some reasons you should partner with a pizza distributor for your next blood drive:
People need to eat before and after giving blood
It’s essential that people eat before and after giving blood. Eating before is especially important because our bodies need that extra energy and substance so you can give blood. Eating after is even more important so your body can acclimate to using that much blood. The last thing you as the organizer wants is a lot of lightheaded and dizzy participants who did not eat after giving blood, and working with a pizza distributor is so easy when it comes to planning what type of food to have at the drive!
Everybody loves pizza
Like stated above, pizza is a big hit. Use that almost universal love of pizza and use it to your advantage. Just like free food, that will make almost everybody come to any meeting or event, pizza will do the same for your blood drive. Nothing is better than free pizza. This will help you collect more blood donations, making it a great investment in your blood bank or blood collection team.
In addition, pizza can be fairly cheap, especially from a distributor, while blood donations are essential. Charity or organizations love getting the most bang for their buck, or paying very little to gain so much. Here, the organizer will pay for fairly cheap pizzas and hopefully get some essential blood donations.
Blood donations are always needed
According to the American Red Cross, blood donations often decline in summer months, when people become busy with family activities, vacations and time spent with friends. However, the need for blood and platelet donations is still high.
Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood of platelets. In fact, the number of accidents or incidents in which people need blood donations occurs more frequently in the summer, when people are out and about. Hosting a blood drive is that much more important in the summer.
Despite the statistics, planning, organizing and hosting a blood drive during the summer months may not be a bad idea. More people are more likely to be off work, and may be able to take a few minutes to give blood. Of course, offering pizza will be an added bonus. Almost everybody knows someone either directly or indirectly who needs a donation of blood. To work with a pizza distributor during your next blood drive, get in touch with Giovanni’s Frozen Pizza.