When it comes to pizza, you’re going to want leftovers. That’s why it’s customary to order or make more pizza than you expect to eat in one sitting. After all, pizza is one of the best next-day meals ever created. But whether you make frozen pizza at home, order it at a restaurant or you get one delivered, there’s often the question of how long it will last after that first meal.
As a general rule, it’s always best to enjoy foods just after they are cooked to get the full flavor experience. Pizza, however, can be an exception. Take an individual slice of pizza and reheat it, and you get some extra crispiness on the edges that wasn’t there before. And some people even prefer cold pizza for breakfast as opposed to heating it up.
But how long is too long to eat pizza after it has first been cooked? To start with, the answer depends on how long it’s been sitting out.
As a general rule, it’s best not to eat pizza that’s been out more than one day on the counter. If it has been put away in the fridge soon after the meal is finished, you’ll be safe eating it three to five days after that first meal. As far as food safety goes, it’s best to take extra precaution with meat pizza versus vegetarian pizza, as meat tends to spoil faster than veggies. This applies to pizza that is delivered as well as frozen pizza that is cooked in your oven at home or at a restaurant or bar.
Frozen pizzas
While you may only get a few days of shelf life from already-cooked pizza in the fridge, that life extends when it’s placed in the freezer. If you think you won’t be able to finish that leftover pizza in less than five days, placing it in the freezer can give it a shelf life of three to six months.
For the best results freezing already-cooked pizza, try to store it in as airtight a container as possible. One suggestion is to place the slices in a Ziploc freezer bag and suck out as much air as possible before closing it up. That will help prevent freezer burn and keep your re-frozen pizza fresher longer.
Commercially made frozen pizzas have a longer shelf life. Since it hasn’t been cooked yet, a commercially made frozen pizza will last around 12 to 18 months in the freezer. This is good news for anyone looking to buy wholesale frozen pizzas and store them for hungry guests or customers.
Having a stash of frozen pizzas ready to cook can be a lifesaver for a bar or restaurant. For one, when a big rush of customers hits, you’ll have food ready to cook for them. This is a great option if you’re expecting a big crowd, for example, for a major sporting event.
When you want great wholesale frozen pizza, check out Giovanni’s Frozen Pizza for a taste that can’t be beat.